Hi Friend! My name is Erik and we founded Table Songs in 2021 in response to the need for discipleship and care for the worship leaders in the Chicagoland area. Before there was Table Songs, I co-founded a ministry in 2020 for young adults called "The Table" whereby God's grace, we impacted thousands of 18-35-year-olds across Chicagoland for Jesus. Out of that ministry was born TABLE SONGS. We started by building relationships with worship leaders in the area and providing an informal community, which led to times of worship together and through that creating together. Since then we have partnered with worship leaders around the US and Europe to carry the message of loving the people more than the music.
I have had the privilege of serving as a worship pastor in the local church for over 13 years and thusly have walked through the majority of the highs and lows most worship leaders do. Because of this, my heart as a pastor and an artist is to help provide the resources and relationships that I wish I had over the years, to my peers, as well as the next generation of worship leaders.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read about us, as well as for partnering with us in caring for worship leaders in local churches and through that, God's Bride (The Church) by doing so. I look forward to meeting you and worshipping Jesus with you in person soon. Blessings to you!
Much Love